97.3 ESPN - South Jersey (WENJ)

by Townsquare Media, Inc.

Nachrichten & Zeitschriften


Holen Sie sich das beste Musiknachrichten, lokale Nachrichten und Wetterdaten sind in South Jersey.

Get the latest news and information, weather coverage and traffic updates in the South Jersey area with the 97.3 ESPN South Jersey app! Listen to the station live and interact with the hosts – you can direct message and call the show directly from the app. Receive alerts about breaking news, contests, and more before anyone else. Save articles and viral stories for reading later, and share on Facebook and Twitter.nnKey Features:n• Listen to our shows, plus receive weather and traffic updates live from 97.3 ESPN South Jersey Radion• Read the latest news, watch videos, view photo galleries & listen to audio contentn• Submit Photos/Videos directly from the appn• Participate in contests and giveaways, plus get exclusive access to station scavenger huntsn• Android Auto lets you to stay focused on the road while listeningn• Get the latest weather for your area plus a 5-day forecastn• Do not disturb modes for alerts (weekend and after hours)n• Save articles for reading later (supports offline viewing)n• Instant Alerts for breaking news, weather, contests, shows and moren• Featured full multi-tasking with background audio and controlsn• Share the latest news on Facebook & Twittern• Supports Chromecast for wireless streaming to your compatible devicesnnThis is the latest version of the 97.3 ESPN South Jersey app, and many more features are already planned. Please share your feedback from within the 97.3 ESPN South Jersey app by clicking the “Send App Feedback” link in the menu.